CAREWorks is a not-for-profit free standing training center established to provide cost effective training and development solutions and opportunities for providers and for those individuals working in the healthcare industry.
CAREWorks was founded in 2020 on the guiding principles of C A R E (Compassion- Accountability- Respect -Empathy). The training and education programs are focused on the tenents of CARE.
NRS 449.103 requires facilities to: conduct training relating specifically to cultural competency for any agent or employee of the facility who provides care to a patient or resident of the facility 11/2020. Pursuant to subsection 1 of NRS 449.103 within 30 business days of any agent or employee being contracted or hired, and at least once each year thereafter, a facility shall conduct training relating specifically to cultural competency for any agent or employee of the facility who provides care to a patient or resident of the facility.
Register for “GETTING TO WE”, a comprehensive, two-hour cultural competency training program custom designed for non-medical personnel.